how to start a creative practice (again)

fighting against that blank page

Black and White ink sketch of a nude woman's torso

Sketch for final In Flux work

So we know why (read here) you should start exercising those creative muscles but maybe you're stuck at the how?

I know I will find any excuse rather than to sit down and do something. Thinking is certainly easier than DOING. And don’t get me started on planning…

Brené Brown talked in a podcast ( a great episode with  Elizabeth Day which is well worth a listen) about the pleasure of the anticipation of stating something new.  How we all get caught up in it.

You have an idea of what you want to start - painting, baking, writing,..

Maybe you've got all excited about it .

You read about the thing you want to do. You look some stuff up online. You watch You Tubes, follow new people on Instagram and TikTok.


Then the things arrive (more excitement), they're unpacked - you're ready to go.

And then... nothing..

You say “tomorrow…”- mañana mañana.

And tomorrow comes and all of a sudden you've got a long list of more important To Dos.

Soon enough that shiny new set of paints or sewing machine or notebook doesn't seem so interesting any more.  And another hope is dashed.

But I think we can overcome this with baby steps.  Here are some tips that have helped me along the way:

i. Find a space - it doesn't have to be a whole room  or even a desk. Maybe it's just space in your mind. But putting a little metaphorical red rope around this area will signal that your intention is there.

ii. Set a time limit. I would say start with 20mins. It's not about what you do as long as you are making and not consuming. So no reading, no scrolling, no watching.  Preferably no devices.

iii. Maybe start with something that is different from your medium of choice. I know when I wanted to start back to drawing and painting. It was almost too much of a hurdle so I started with those morning pages . Writing - which isn't my favourite thing to do - but it loosened things up. It allowed me to start.  So If writing is your thing maybe do some doodling, if taking photos is maybe bake a new cake. You get the idea. Do something.

iv. Consider meditation.  I know i know - it's a cliche suggestion. But listen I am not suggesting you become a buddhist monk. We all live in loud busy worlds. It's just about getting a few moments - maybe learn how to do 5 minutes of box breathing, or try mantra based meditation (my favourite) or even visualisation  if that's your thing.  You get the picture we are just looking for some SPACE.

v. Take a cold shower. This is  about changing your mindset. Getting comfortable with being uncomfortable.  It has the powerful effect of showing yourself  if you can do 30 seconds under that cold water you can probably do 30 minutes of drawing. 

How are you going to start today?  What are you finding difficult about your creative practice?

Drop me a line and tell me. Any tips and tricks I have I will share!


Start today